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One of my favorite poems


Breathing in hate

Letting out sorrow

Staring at cruel fate

and no more tommorow

Life takes its toll

and its destruction

Life takes your soul

and asks for redemption

Screaming a silent cry

Lurking towards the light

Letting out a sigh

and a hope for the fright

To tear away from your life

Bleeding out tears

Living in strife

Nothing is clear

Asking to forgive

Asking for one more day

Asking to live

Begging to obey

Not asking for much

A place to sleep

Just one last lunch

A house to keep

A hand to touch

is that to much to ask?

Even if given

It will not last

Minds are driven

Into the final destination

These essintals we are given

To dim the situation

They think it will help us

They think they understand

We thought we could trust

But it turns out

They dont give a damn



Questions? Comments? e-mail imperfectjoe@gmail.com