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Would you like to live forever?

This Story was written by imperfectjoe@gmail.com and should not be changed or hosted on any other site for ANY reason.
Thank You!

This Story:
This story is about Spevin's. Spevins are people, yet they are immortal. It is a rather short story. One girl named Mirusha has lived for 1000 years. She and another girl named Kiruye who she recently met go search for a crystal. This crystal granted them mortality (death) They have to battle a vicious typhoone, A spevin, and an elder. Searching for the crystal. But, If they do find the crystal, what will they do with it? What will happen. Find out yourself by reading the story!
Ok, Click  http://www.fictionpress.com/read.php?storyid=1925458 for the exact page where my story is. This is my beginner story. I like it like this but the new one will be a whole lot better. Happy Reading

Would you like to live forever?
Is this authors favorite story so far.

Questions? Comments? e-mail imperfectjoe@gmail.com